More masculinity.

Professor Prof. Van Dyk Lewis
As per your paper, and possibly because of students doing the research, the presence of Street Styles to denote subcultural components though note-worthy does not fully focus on its recent appearance within fashions trends, nor its inherited typical age peer related cultural issues.
The root cause, STREET STYLES is the present dominance of the Japanese fashions designers who during their development in the 1980s grew to dominate the world during the late 1990 to present - in high end [ those gowns which approaches $ 10,000 plus and coctail dresses $ 5, 000 plus ] fashions, then its, more specifically in Tokyo, the up and coming younger fashions designers wanted in; They created the fashions genre " Street Styles " and was correctly aim at the University Students / Scholar markets International in scope. While at the sametime in the Rising of the Edo Sun in Fashions was taking over the lower, or budget end of fashions world wide, then came the fabric innovations which was emerging out of the Peoples Republic of China, and both seeing future opportunities threw in together around 2000 year.
Everything which is now present is an International wide reaction to the invasion of Tokyo Street Styles, and the Japanese were more than able to gain market nitches all over. However, the only resistance occur among Russian youth who wanted more plush designs and rejected the notion which taking over on the rest of Europe to throwing themselves in Street Style designs. No distinction were created, except in Russia who developed how the fabric was specifically inlaid with Russo Cultural Centric Graph LIke Design Traditions.
Unfortumately you have missed other and more important aspects which should be discussed further. The reason is due to the Rising Super Culture of European Youth in which various event providers, such those events in Rock Concerts, NightLife venues, and vaious National and International festivals who estimated this youth having an active growing core of 12 million.